深圳赛诺企业管理咨询有限公司 Sino Associates Limited

Founded in Hong Kong in 2009, Sino Associates began working with our founders’ clients from Fortune 100 companies to deliver their global success. At that time global companies in China and across Asia realized that their best teams would not stay local but instead need to operate at a global level. At the same time, working practices were changing and employees in China and around Asia were looking to be engaged and inspired by their work as they planned to stay longer and longer in one job. We have evolved over the years from a company primarily building leaders and benchmarking engagement to also embracing the high technology environment of Shenzhen and offering creative online and mobile tools to aid team facilitation and idea management. Sino Associates在2009年创立于香港。成立初期,我们的主要客户都是世界100强的企业。那段时间,身处中国和亚洲的跨国企业就开始逐渐意识到他们的优秀团队不应该仅仅以区域性的角度管理团队,而需要以全球化的视野运营业务。近些年来,中国和亚洲的员工愿意在一个岗位呆得更久,也越来越敬业。因为工作上有了更多吸引他们的地方。在过去的几年里,我们公司自身也有不断的变化,从一个仅做领导力培训和研究敬业度的公司,发展成为现在这个能拥抱新科技和新通讯手段的公司,坐落在科技园,为更多的客户在移动端上提供交流和服务。 Our associates come from and are located around the world. Every associate is an expert and has a proven track record with clients and extensive work experience in their field. At Sino Associates, we inspire global success! 在这里,我们致力于帮助您的组织实现全球化的成功。我们是一支跨国团队,讲师们来自全球不同的国家。多年来,每个讲师都在自己的专业领域中扎实钻研, 协助了众多客户的成长和发展。欢迎您联系我们,共商发展计划。

Our diverse team of experts has experience in bringing greater success to our clients not just in China, but around the world. Our professional team has delivered solutions to citizens from over 60 nationalities in more than 15 different countries. Over the years we have established a reputation for engaging our clients’ employees and leaders with active and dynamic in-person events, as well as offline technology reaching across, e-mail, social media, and e-based idea management platforms. Participants in our programs report being inspired and having some of the highest levels of engagement. 我们是一个多元化的专家团队,客户遍布全球。我们的团队在15个国家做项目,并帮助了来自60多个国家的管理人员提供人员发展方案。多年以来,我们在客户群体里建立了优良的口碑。我们总能给客户带来充满活力的项目和创新的想法,在线下,我们善于使用想法管理平台,利用科技、社交、媒体等技术与大家进行不断的交流。多年来,客户对我们一致的评价就是专业、用心、带给学员更多的启迪和发展。






